
New Courses at St Arseny Institute

Mai 2, 2014

Important announcement to clergy and potential students regarding St Arseny Institute course offerings.

  • Church History 1 course has been completed online successfully by three students
  • June 2nd - a course combining Church History 2 and 3 begins online
  • September 1st - Ethics and Spirituality course offering begins online
  • September 1st - Church History 1 offered again
  • October 6th - Doctrine 1 course offering begins online

For brief descriptions of the content of these courses please download the New Courses document.

  • These courses are designed, suited and approved in the Archdiocese of Canada for preparation for the diaconate, and are suitable also for the certificate program for laity.
  • We have 20 courses that will be eventually offered online, but all courses can also be taken by correspondence. 
  • Some course are offered locally in class in Winnipeg, and, if requested by students, and if teachers are available may be offered in other locations across Canada.

Each method of course delivery has its limitations and strengths.  For example: The on-line courses are more expensive,  but they are more structured with a defined start and completion date. Secondly the committed professor/instructor is dedicated and available for all the course length. Thirdly, students also have the benefit of interaction with fellow students who are also taking the same course, the relationships and bonds that you will establish could develop into life longer-term connections and support structure in the future.

We at the Institute have been developing a student  roster: First these are the deacons in our church who are required to, or want to take courses; second are the sub deacons who in their development may become deacons, in which case more theological education will be required,  and then there are the readers who joined the clerical order and may as they choose develop their education further for the deaconate. Then also the courses are available for any lay members of the Church, or interested non-Orthodox who desire to further enhance their knowledge of Orthodox Church teachings.