
Upcoming courses available from St. Arseny Institute

Saint Arseny Institute
Janvier 14, 2015

The Saint Arseny Orthodox Christian Theological Institute (SAOCTI) announces more offerings for online courses for 2015.


Church History I - The Church from Pentecost to 9th Century
Instructor: Fr. Dn. Lasha Tchantouridze (PhD)
Course Length: 8 weeks
Course Credits: 3 credits in Diaconal or Certificate program
Course dates: Mar. 2, 2015 and will run for 8 weeks
Enrolment Deadline: Registrations will be taken till Feb. 15, 2015
Enrolment/Cost: $400.00 CAD

Ethics/ Spirituality - The foundations, framework and goals for ethics and spiritual life in Orthodox Christianity
Instructor: Fr. Anthony Estabrooks (MA., M.Div)
Course Length: 8 weeks
Course Credits: 3 credits in Diaconal or Certificate program
Course dates: Mar. 2, 2015 and will run for 8 weeks
Enrolment Deadline: Registrations will be taken till Feb. 15, 2015
Enrolment/Cost: $400.00 CAD


Church History II & III Combined - The Church from 9th Century to Present Day Globally in Europe, Far East, Europe, Africa, and North & South America
Instructor: Fr. Dn. Lasha Tchantouridze (PhD)
Course Length: 11 weeks
Course Credits: 6 credits in Diaconal or Certificate program
Course dates: Jun. 1, 2015 and will run for 11 weeks
Enrolment Deadline: Registrations will be taken till May 15, 2015
Enrolment/Cost: $600.00 CAD

Doctrine I - This course will use the first two parts of the “Nicene” Creed (i.e. on The Father and the Son) to unfold the Orthodox teaching on God the Father (and the creation of the cosmos, the nature of the fall) and the Son (redemption in Jesus Christ).
Instructor: Fr. Anthony Estabrooks (MA., M.Div)
Course Length: 8 weeks
Course Credits: 3 credits in Diaconal or Certificate program
Course dates: Jun. 1, 2015 and will run for 8 weeks
Enrolment Deadline: Registrations will be taken till May 15, 2015
Enrolment/Cost: $400.00 CAD

Things To Note About Our Online Courses

  • The online courses are more expensive than Correspondence Course, but they are more structured and include more interaction with an instructor plus they have a defined start and completion date.
  • Also students also have the benefit of interaction with fellow students who are also taking the same course, the relationships and bonds that they will establish could develop into life longer-term connections and support structure in the future.
  • Statistics show that there is a much-smaller student drop-out rate with this form of course delivery, compared to correspondence. We at the Institute have been developing a student roster:
    • First these are the deacons in our church who are required to, or want to take courses;
    • Second are the sub deacons who in their development may become deacons, in which case more theological education will be required;
    • Third there are the readers who joined the clerical order and may as they choose develop their education further for the diaconate;
    • Then also the courses are available for any lay members of the Church, or interested non-Orthodox who desire to further enhance their knowledge of Orthodox Church teachings.

We at the Institute are Developing an Online Readers Program

Saint Arseny Institute has developed an online course tailored to the needs of St. John the Divine Orthodox Church OCA in Windsor. In Jan 2015 a pilot project for the presentation of the Readers Program has begun for 8 – 10 parishioners who will cover the class material online over 6 months. Also the students will meet twice a month, after Vespers, to review the class material and practice vocal chanting and singing. The parish priest and a local parishioner with music background will provide a review of the material covered and the vocal singing training. The parishioners enrolled, are both male and female. The background and ages range, but all participate in the church services and either serve in the altar or sing in the choir. The parishioners have a desire to learn more about the church and Saint Arseny Institute is providing a course tailored to this parishes need. With the combined local support of instructors, the cost to each parishioner is minimal and lower than the correspondence course. Note the course length is proposed to take 6 months. This is a certificate program.

Saint Arseny Institute can also put together instruction for parishes on particular topics tailored to the need of the local church. Over the years the Instructors at Saint Arseny Institute have compiled a vast array (amount) of information (relevant to the church life for today in Canada) to provide the church with current educational information. Those interested in increasing their spiritual growth and knowledge of the Orthodox Church could benefit. So if you have a need just make it known and we can let you know what we can provide.

Also if you want more details on the Readers Program I, described above, please contact us: www.saintarseny.ca