
Online Church Music Courses Available at the PaTRAM Institute

PaTRAM Institute Online Courses Spring 2015
Février 5, 2015

Church music courses are now open for enrollment at the PaTRAM Institute. These 12-week courses will begin at the end of February. This semester, the following classes are available online:

  • Music Theory: Introduction to Musicianship Level I, Introduction to Musicianship Level II
  • Voice Lessons: Private and Group Lessons
  • Conducting Lessons: Private and Group Lessons

The content is specifically designed for immediate application in Orthodox sacred choral music in the Russian tradition. All examples and weekly assignments are drawn from selections from common English repertoire. All PaTRAM course enrollees receive discounts on PaTRAM master class events.

The PaTRAM Institute curriculum offers an innovative approach to music learning. Orthodox musicians often lead very busy lives apart from their work for the Church, and so enrolling in a conventional music program is simply not an option for many.

Using a groundbreaking combination of: private lessons via video-conference, online virtual classrooms, guided independent study, seasonal workshops and master classes, assessment-based, multi-level certification, the PaTRAM Institute curriculum makes it possible for working church musicians to increase their God-given talents at their own pace, under the tutelage of some of the forest Orthodox professional musicians, and at a fraction of the cost of a conventional music program.

For further information, contact the PaTRAM Institute.