
Metropolitan Tikhon congratulates Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on patronal feastday

Juin 11, 2015

On Thursday, June 11, 2015, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon sent greetings to His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the occasion of the latter’s patronal feastday.

The text of Metropolitan Tikhon’s letter appears below.

Patronal Feastday Greetings of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon to
His All-Holiness, Bartholomew
Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch
June 11, 2015

Your All-Holiness,

Christ is in our midst!

It is with love and respect that I offer my congratulations to you on the occasion of your patronal feast.

Your ministry is an example of faithfulness to God and service to the people of God—a ministry which serves as an example to the Orthodox world, an encouragement to all Christians, and a witness to peace and reconciliation for all.

It is my heartfelt prayer that the All-Merciful God, through the prayers of the Apostle Bartholomew, grant you His peace, and continue to bless Your All-Holiness with good health, strength and wisdom to continue in your holy ministry as Ecumenical Patriarch for many years!

I look forward to offering my personal greeting to Your All-Holiness when we meet next week.

Your Brother in Christ,
+ Tikhon
Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada