
Pastoral Life Colloquium synopsis available

Juin 30, 2015

In anticipation of the 18th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America, the Department of Pastoral Life has released a synopsis of its first colloquium held at the OCA Chancery here April 28-29, 2015.  Participating in the gathering, held to discuss issues facing clergy and their families, were representatives from every OCA diocese, Chancery clergy, members of the Department of Pastoral Life, and an advisory panel.

“We welcome AAC delegates and observers, as well as those unable to attend the AAC, to read through the synopsis,” said Priest Nathan Preston, Administrator of the recently revived Department of Pastoral Life and Ministry.

The synopsis may be accessed here.

“After a dormant period of several years’ inactivity, the Department of Pastoral Life was reorganized at the start of 2015 and has endeavored since then to begin the work that is its charge: to aid and support clergy and their families so that they may continue to serve and lead the faithful from a place of health,” said Father Nathan.  “To this end, the colloquium met in April for an inaugural conversation exploring those issues now facing priests and their families.”