
The Church in the World - Talks at the Sign of the Theotokos, Montréal

Octobre 22, 2017 to Mai 6, 2018

Inspired by last year's Orthodox adult education thematic series on the "Official Documents of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church - Pentecost 2016", this year's series "The Church in the World" will take a more in-depth approach to some of the challenges and social concerns facing the Orthodox Church and Christians today.

The one-hour sessions listed below will take place at 12.30pm, after coffee hour, following the Divine Liturgy at 10am.

All are welcome.

October 22, 2017 - Dr Paul Ladouceur, Orthodoxy and Human Rights

November 19, 2017 - V Rev Dr Cyprian Hutcheon, Orthodox Christians and Non-Christian Religions: Is 'Interfaith' the New Ecumenism?

January 21, 2018 - Dr Evangelia Amirali Hadjinicolaou, Reflections on the Orthodox Christian Family in the 21st Century

March 4, 2018 - Dr Emmanuel Kolyvas, 'All Who Have Been Baptized into Christ Have Put on Christ': Now What?

May 6, 2018 - Dr John Hadjinicolaou, Evangelization and Witness