
Myrrhbearers Celebrated in Montréal

Avril 22, 2018

Christ is risen! On the third Sunday of Pascha we celebrate the Myrrhbearing Women, those women who left everything and followed Jesus Christ, remaining ever-faithful to their Teacher.

This Sunday Saints Peter and Saint Paul Sobor in Montréal was filled with a very lighthearted and joyful ambiance: red festive vestments of the priests, plenty of flowers, bright sunlight making its way through the stained-glass windows, everything glorified the heroic deeds of the Myrrhbearing Women.

On this day the Sobor followed the Orthodox custom in which women receive congratulations from men: all the women of the parish were congratulated by the rector of the Sobor, Mitred Protopriest Anatoliy Melnyk and at the end of the service, they all received flowers from the three priests: Anatoliy, Ivan, and Gleb. Following these good wishes, there was Paschal dinner prepared by the Sisterhood and a concert presented by children from Russian and Moldovan Sunday church schools guided by the choir director Elena Ivakhina. Children sang songs and read poems dedicated to all mothers, grandmothers, and sisters.

Everyone left the Sobor in an excellent festive mood. We thank all the parishioners who organized this beautiful event, for such a wonderful celebration. Saints Peter and Saint Paul Orthodox Sobor congratulates all women on the Day of the Myrrhbearing Women: God bless you!