
Special Building Funds Appeal for St Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church, Langley, BC

Août 20, 2021

Those that know me well will attest that I almost never post personal messages online, and even more rarely ask for money for the church. But current challenges require that today I do both.

I have been the pastor of St Herman’s church in Langley, BC, since the parish began under the OCA in 1987. We have weathered many challenges and continued to grow, and many men who are now clergy began as catechumens at St Herman’s. My ministry of writing (currently totalling 25 books and well over 400 blog posts) was made possible because of the parish’s support.

St Herman’s is erecting a new building (see image below) to help us continue to grow and reach out with the gospel and to create something beautiful for God. The building project encountered obstacles and costly delays due to the onset of the COVID pandemic. These and other unforeseen cost overruns have been considerable, and we need to raise an additional $500,000. Our clergy, parish council, and parishioners have been generous in donating to meet this need, but more is still needed.

I am therefore taking the extraordinary step of reaching out and asking you for help as well. If my ministry has been of benefit to you, I ask that you consider a one-time sacrificial gift to our parish. 

Cheques should be made payable to “St Herman’s Church” and sent to us at 7221 - 198B Street, Langley, B.C., Canada, V2Y 1R9. Or donate via our GoFundMe page. A tax receipt will be sent at year’s end.

Ongoing reports about the building progress can be found in posts below. 

I also ask that you keep us and this holy work in your prayers. And may the Lord bless you!

Fr Lawrence Farley