
Jeudi, Mai 16, 2019 to Vendredi, Mai 17, 2019

Son Éminence l'archevêque Irénée et des membres du conseil archidiocésain se sont réunis à Toronto les jeudi 16 et vendredi 17 mai.

La réunion était organisée par la Mission orthodoxe Holy Myrrhbearers au Trinity College de l'Université de Toronto, où est également basée l'école de théologie orthodoxe.

Jeudi, Mai 16, 2019 to Vendredi, Mai 17, 2019

His Eminence Archbishop Irénée and members of the archdiocesan council met in Toronto on Thursday 16 May and Friday 17 May.

The meeting was hosted by Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission at Trinity College at the University of Toronto, where the Orthodox School of Theology is also based.

On Friday afternoon, faculty and students of the school of theology provided an overview of the graduate theological and pastoral training programmes available.

Dimanche, Mai 5, 2019

Photos de la visite de Son Éminence l'archevêque Irénée à l'église orthodoxe St George de Brantford, en Ontario, le dimanche 5 mai 2019.

Dimanche, Mai 5, 2019

Photos from the visit of His Eminence Archbishop Irénée to St George's Orthodox Church in Brantford, Ontario on Sunday 5 May 2019.

All Saints of Alaska Orthodox Church, Victoria
Dimanche, Avril 28, 2019

Photos from Paschal celebrations across Canada.

All Saints of Alaska Orthodox Church, Victoria
Dimanche, Avril 28, 2019

Photos de célébrations pascales à travers le Canada.

Samedi, Avril 27, 2019

On Great and Holy Saturday, His Eminence, Archbishop Irénée served the Vesperal Liturgy of St Basil the Great at the Holy Apostles Mission in Chilliwack, BC.

His Eminence was greeted by Parish Council President Andrew Janzen, and by the Parish Priest, Father Matthew Francis. Archpriest Richard Rene, a local prison chaplain, also served. Church singing was led by Matushka Krista Francis.

Prior to the beginning of the Liturgy, Vladyka Irénée tonsured Craig (Terence) Yendall as a Reader and ordained him as a Subdeacon, for the service of the Church.

Samedi, Avril 27, 2019

Téléchargez le message pascal du métropolitain Tikhon:

Samedi, Avril 27, 2019

The Archpastoral Message of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon marking Great and Holy Pascha is now available.  The full text appears below and also may be accessed in PDF format.  Links to translations are posted below.

Archpastoral Message of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon
Pascha 2019

To the Venerable Hierarchs, Reverend Clergy, Monastics, Distinguished Stewards, and the entire family of the Orthodox Church in America:

All Saints of Alaska Orthodox Church, Victoria
Vendredi, Avril 26, 2019

Photos de paroisses du Canada durant la semaine sainte 2019.


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