
Samedi, Septembre 24, 2016 to Lundi, Septembre 26, 2016

Photo albums and video coverage of festal and archdiocesan anniversary celebrations at Holy Resurrection Sobor, Vancouver.

Mercredi, Septembre 21, 2016

Photos from the celebration of the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos at Sts Peter and Paul Sobor, Montréal.

Mercredi, Septembre 21, 2016

Photos de la célébration de la fête de la Nativité de la Théotokos à l'église Sobor Saints-Pierre-et-Paul de Montréal.

Dimanche, Octobre 2, 2016

As per the ADOC council meeting of April 6-8th, an appeal for all parishes/communities to collect funds for Theological Education, Seminaries and Seminarians is scheduled for October 2nd, 2016.

Cheques should be marked "FOR SEMINARIES" to ensure the money is allocated to the correct fund.

Send cheques to: Archdiocese of Canada, 3441-15th Avenue, Rawdon, QC.  J0K 1S0.

Dimanche, Octobre 2, 2016

Comme mentionné lors de la réunion du Conseil archidiocésain tenue du 6 au 8 avril, il est demandé à toutes les paroisses / communautés de recueillir des fonds pour l'enseignement théologique, les séminaires et les séminaristes; cette collecte est prévue pour le 2 octobre 2016.

Les chèques doivent porter la mention "POUR LES SÉMINAIRES" en vue de s'assurer que l'argent soit alloué au bon fonds.

Veuillez envoyer les chèques à : Archidiocèse du Canada - 3441, 15e Avenue, Rawdon, Québec J0K 1SO

Dimanche, Septembre 18, 2016

The clergy and people of Holy Trinity Church in Québec City are rejoicing that a new location was found for their services and with the help of some parishioners an iconostas was built in one week. 

Liturgy service was held for the first time on Sunday, September 18th, with Fr. Andrii Syrkin, Fr. Nectaire Féménias and Deacon Igor Aleksandrovsky.

The new church address is:

945 avenue de Bienville
Québec, QC
G1S 3C1

Dimanche, Septembre 18, 2016

His Eminence Archbishop Irénée concelebrated at the Enthronement of His Grace Bishop Dr Mitrofan (Kodic) as the new ruling Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Canada, on September 18th, at the All Serbian Saints Serbian Orthodox Church in Mississauga.

Dimanche, Septembre 18, 2016

Le 18 septembre, à l'église orthodoxe serbe de Tous-les-Saints-Serbes de Mississauga, son Éminence Mgr Irénée a concélébré à l'occasion de l'intronisation de Son Excellence Mgr Dr Mitrophan (Kodic) comme nouvel évêque dirigeant du Diocèse orthodoxe serbe du Canada.

Dimanche, Septembre 18, 2016

Photos from the Divine Liturgy marking the beginning of the new church and school year at Sts Peter & Paul Sobor, Montréal.

Vendredi, Septembre 23, 2016

Each year at All Saints of North America Church in Hamilton, Ontario, the Orthodox Institute on the Family brings together speakers on critical topics, relating faith to everyday life at home, work, school, and in the community.

The topics have been chosen in response to specific requests by friends and faithful, in order to make the Institute most useful and effective.

There's only one week left until the first talk in the 2016 Orthodox Institute on the Family: "Do Not Cause These Little Ones to Stumble" by Fr Geoffrey Korz, on Friday 23 September.


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