
Le protopresbytre Thomas Hopko
Mercredi, Mars 18, 2015

Le protopresbytre Thomas Hopko, doyen émérite du Séminaire théologique orthodoxe Saint-Vladimir de Crestwood dans l’État de New York, ainsi que prêtre, théologien, prédicateur et conférencier chrétien orthodoxe éminent, s’est endormi dans le Seigneur dans l’après-midi du 18 mars 2015.

Le Père Thomas était l’époux bien-aimé de Matouchka Anne [Schmemann] Hopko. Leur mariage a eu lieu le 9 juin 1963. Le Père Thomas et Anne ont eu ensemble une famille de cinq enfants, seize petits-enfants et trois arrière-petits-enfants.

Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko
Mercredi, Mars 18, 2015

Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko, Dean Emeritus of Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, NY, and noted Orthodox Christian priest, theologian, preacher, and speaker, fell asleep in the Lord on the afternoon of March 18, 2015.

Father Thomas was the beloved husband of Matushka Anne [Schmemann] Hopko. They were married on June 9, 1963. Together, Father Thomas and Anne are the parents of five children, sixteen grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

Jeudi, Mars 12, 2015 to Vendredi, Mars 13, 2015

Les 12 et 13 mars 2015, la session de printemps du Conseil archidiocésain de l’Archidiocèse du Canada de l’Église orthodoxe en Amérique s’est tenue à la cathédrale de l’Annonciation-et-de-Saint-Nicolas d’Ottawa en Ontario.

Après la célébration d’un Molében à la cathédrale orthodoxe de l’Annonciation-et-de-Saint-Nicolas d’Ottawa en Ontario, Son Excellence Irénée, Évêque d’Ottawa et de l’Archidiocèse du Canada a ouvert la première réunion du Conseil archidiocésain à avoir lieu suite à son intronisation en tant qu’évêque dirigeant de l’Archidiocèse du Canada. Son Excellence a prononcé son allocution d’ouverture dans laquelle il a fait part de sa réflexion concernant l’avenir de l’Archidiocèse du Canada, ainsi que sa croissance et son développement spirituels.

Jeudi, Mars 12, 2015 to Vendredi, Mars 13, 2015

The spring session of the Archdiocesan Council of the Archdiocese of Canada, the Orthodox Church in America was held at Annunciation/St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in Ottawa, ON on March 12-13, 2015.<--break->

After an opening Moleben at Annunciation St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in Ottawa, ON, His Grace Irénée, Bishop of Ottawa and the Archdiocese of Canada opened a first Archdiocesan Council meeting from the time of His Enthronement as a Ruling Bishop of the Archdiocese of Canada. His Grace delivered the opening address, in which he reflected on the future life of the Archdiocese of Canada and its spiritual growth and development.

Fr. Thomas Hopko
Lundi, Mars 9, 2015

Thank you, to each and every one of you, for your ongoing love, prayers, and concern for our dear Father Thomas! He is truly blessed, and is most grateful!

As many of you know, Fr. Thomas has had several serious health concerns over recent years. The most serious medical issue by far is his diagnosis with congestive heart failure (CHF) due to the fact that he has senile systemic amyloidosis. Simply put, the deposits of a protein-like material called amyloid lodge in the heart and cause stiffening and compromised function. Therefore, it cannot work efficiently, and heart failure ensues.

Metropolitan Leonty
Jeudi, Mai 14, 2015

Leonid Turkevich, Ph.D, grandson of the late beloved Metropolitan Leonty (1876-1965), will be among those offering presentations at the Academic Symposium devoted to the life and work of the late Metropolitan at Saint Tikhon’s Seminary here May 14, 2015.

Parish Ministry Resources: In-reach/Outreach programs
Lundi, Mars 9, 2015

An inspiring article describing the “In-reach/Outreach Committee” established at Holy Cross Church, Medford, NJ is now available as part of the Department of Christian Service and Humanitarian Aid's Parish Ministry Resources, formerly known as the Resource Handbook.

Dimanche de l’Orthodoxie à Edmonton
Dimanche, Mars 1, 2015

Le 1er mars 2015, premier dimanche du Grand Carême, s’est tenue la célébration du Triomphe de l’Orthodoxie à l’église Sobor Saint-Germain-d’Alaska d’Edmonton en Alberta.

Sunday of Orthodoxy in Edmonton
Dimanche, Mars 1, 2015

On March 1, 2015, the first Sunday of Great Lent, St. Herman of Alaska Sobor in Edmonton, Alberta hosted the celebration of the Triumph of Orthodoxy.


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