
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Téléchargez le message pascal 2020 de Vladyka Irénée en anglais et en français:

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Download the 2020 Paschal greeting from Vladyka Irénée in English and French:

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A moleben (supplication service) for first responders and health care workers has been created for use. Please pray this with your families on behalf of all those who are risking their own safety and laying their lives on the line for us all during these difficult days of global pandemic. The names of those working across our archdiocese on the front line of health care are below. To add a name, please email webmaster@archdiocese.ca.

Friday, April 10, 2020

We are continuing again on 10 April our recent Friday tradition of drawing as many people across our archdiocese as possible to pray together during this time of lockdown and isolation.

On Friday at 7pm EDT (4pm PDT) Mattins for Lazarus Saturday will be served. Fr Vincent Lehr will deliver an opening address. A small poster for sharing the event along with the service book are attached. Please promote this in your communities if possible.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Address of His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon
To the Orthodox Church in America 
April 6, 2020

View a video of this address on Facebook >

My beloved children, 

I pray that each of you is keeping physically healthy and is managing to stay spiritually and emotionally strong during these unusual and uncertain times. 

On this fifth Sunday of Great Lent, I offer to you a brief word as your primate and father in Christ.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The All OCA Church School schedule for the week of April, 6, 2020 is now available. Classes this week will be held according to the following schedule:

Tuesday, April 7: Grades 9-12
3:30pm EST (2:30 CST; 12:30 PT)

Wednesday, April 8: Grades 3-5*
3:30pm EST (2:30 CST; 12:30 PT)

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

(Please note: the secretary of the archdiocese has been assured these grants apply in Canada as well.)

Friday, March 27, 2020 to Friday, April 3, 2020

Join us again on Friday 27 March and Friday 3 April as we pray together across the archdiocese during this difficult time of isolation for protection against the Covid-19 outbreak.

On Friday 27 March at 7pm Eastern (4pm Pacific), we will celebrate the Fourth Salutations to the Theotokos — Small Compline with the Canon to the Theotokos and fourth part of the Akathist Hymn.

A week later, on Friday 3 April at the same time, we will celebrate Mattins of the Fifth Saturday of Great Lent, including the entire Akathist Hymn.

Friday, March 20, 2020
Monseigneur Irénée a donné sa bénédiction pour la tenue d'un office de prière pan-canadien via l'application Zoom ce vendredi 20 mars, à 19h (heure de l'Est). L'Acathiste et les Petites Complies seront présidées par Son Éminence, accompagné du Père Geoffrey Ready ainsi que d'un petit choeur. Il s'agit d'une occasion précieuse et nécessaire, pour nous tous au Canada, de nous réunir par la prière et de demander à la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu sa protection et son secours en ces temps difficiles.
Friday, March 20, 2020

Vladyka Irénée has blessed an all-Canada prayer service to be held online via the Zoom app this Friday at 7pm Eastern time. The Akathist and Small Compline will be served by Vladyka, Fr Geoffrey Ready, and a small choir. This is a much-needed opportunity for all of us in Canada to join together in prayer and ask the Mother of God for her protection during this very challenging time. Please invite your faithful to be a part of this beautiful service (we can accommodate up to 10,000 participants).


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