
Saturday, December 16, 2017

His Eminence Archbishop Irénée will be in Mississauga, Ontario, on Saturday 16 December, at All Saints of Serbia Orthodox Cathedral, to concelebrate a pan-Orthodox hierarchical Divine Liturgy along with His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of the Serbian Archdiocese of Canada, before the relics of the newly-glorified Serbian saint, Mardarije of Libertyville.

St Mardarije was the first Serbian Orthodox bishop of America in Canada from 1925-1935. He was glorified in July 2017. His relics were found 82 years after his death to be miraculously incorrupt.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

On Sunday 10 December, renowned theologian and patristics professor from St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, Fr John Behr, visited Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission in Toronto.

Fr John concelebrated Mattins and Divine Liturgy with the mission's rector, Fr Geoffrey Ready, and delivered the homily, before enjoying fellowship following the Liturgy with the faithful of the mission.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

On Saturday 9 December, a day-long theological conference on "St Athanasius and the Incarnation" attracted nearly 120 people to the George Ignatieff Theatre at Trinity College.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St Alexander Nevsky was celebrated at Sts Peter and Paul Sobor, Montréal on 6 December, presided by Fr Alexander Janowski.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Father Alexander Janowski celebrated his 80th birthday at the Divine Liturgy on 26 November at Sts Peter and Paul Sobor in Montréal.

He was awarded an honorary diploma for his many years of service. The sisterhood prepared and arranged a festive table, and the children of the Sunday school prepared a festive performance. 

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Distinguished patristics scholar Fr John Behr, former dean of St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, will give the keynote address at a conference on "St Athanasius and the Incarnation" at the Orthodox School of Theology at Trinity College on Saturday 9 December.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Preparing and sending shoe boxes via Samaritan's Purse is a yearly event at St John the Divine in Windsor. Since 2007, we have been filling boxes individually, and also through packing parties, where many gift items are brought in by our parishioners, and we create boxes for young boys and girls. This year, we filled 87 boxes!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The clergy and people of the Sign of the Theotokos Church in Montréal celebrated their patronal feast with the visit of His Eminence Archbishop Irénée on Sunday 26 November.

Serving with Archbishop Irénée at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy were Archpriest Gregory Nimijean, Archpriest Cyprian Hutcheon, Archpriest Stelian Liabotis, Fr Dn Karl Mansoor and Fr Dn Nicolas Svetlovsky.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The 110th anniversary of Sts Peter and Paul Sobor was celebrated with Divine LIturgy served by His Eminence Irénée.

A dinner prepared by the sisterhood was held, as well as a concert and lottery.

Vladyka awarded certificates of honour to some parishioners who made a great contribution to the Sobor's life.

Thursday, October 26, 2017 to Friday, October 27, 2017

Le conseil archidiocésain s'est réunit à l'Église du Signe-de-la-Théotokos à Montréal le 26 et 27 octobre.

Les procès-verbaux seront soumis à une date ultérieure.


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