
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Le dimanche 2 juillet, Son Éminence ​Mgr Irénée a rendu visite à la paroisse orthodoxe de la Sainte-Trinité à Québec.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

His Eminence, ​Archbishop Irénée visits Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Quebec City, Sunday July 2nd.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017 to Friday, July 28, 2017

After a year of intensive planning and preparation, we only have three weeks left before we begin our Archdiocesan Assembly. Our parish of St Herman's in Edmonton is looking forward to hosting you this year, and trust that our Lord will bless you greatly with "Refreshment for the Journey".

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Photos de Vladika Irénée célébrant la Nativité de saint Jean-Baptiste à l'église Saint-Benoît-de-Nursie de Montréal en compagnie de Son Éminence l'Archevêque Job de Telemessos.

Ont concélébré le Père Anatolij Melnyk, le Père Gregory Nimijean, le Père Dragos Giulea, le Père Justin Mitchell, le Père Ihor Kutash, le diacre Nicolas Svetlovsky et le Père Dimitri Choueiry.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017 to Friday, July 28, 2017

The organizing committee for the Archdiocese of Canada (OCA) Assembly 2017 has made available registration forms and parent information sheets for youth activities.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Photos of Vladyka Irénée celebrating the Nativity of St John the Baptist at St Benoît de Nursie Church in Montréal with His Eminence, Archbishop Job of Telemessos.

Concelebrating were Fr Anatolij Melnyk, Fr Gregory Nimijean, Fr Dragos Giulea, Fr Justin Mitchell, F. Ihor Kutash, Dn Nicolas Svetlovsky, and Fr Dimitri Choueiry.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Le 11 juin, dimanche de la Toussaint, le Père Gregory Scratch, doyen du Manitoba et de la Saskatchewan, a eu l'honneur de célébrer à la paroisse de Meadow Lake à l'occasion de son Xhram (sa fête patronale). La paroisse de Tous-les-Saints a été reçue dans l'Archidiocèse du Canada en 2008; depuis lors, elle a été desservie par des membres du clergé d'Edmonton, de Saskatoon et, récemment, de Smokey Lake en Alberta.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

On 11 June, the Sunday of All Saints, Priest Gregory Scratch, Dean of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, had the honour of serving at the Parish of Meadow Lake for their Xhram (Altar feast). The parish of All Saints was received into the Archdiocese of Canada in 2008 and has since been served by clergy from Edmonton, Saskatoon and recently Smokey Lake Alberta In those nine years a combination of new members, and the dedication of its long time members has blossomed with weekly reader services and bible studies.

His Grace, Bishop Ilia
Sunday, June 18, 2017

Le dimanche 18 juin, Son Excellence Mgr Ilia, évêque à la tête de l'Archidiocèse orthodoxe albanien du Patriarcat œcuménique, a rendu visite à la Mission orthodoxe des Saintes-Myrophores de Toronto.

Siégeant à la fois sur l'Assemblée épiscopale des États-Unis et sur celle du Canada, Mgr Ilia se trouvait à Toronto à l'occasion de la réunion annuelle des évêques canadiens à laquelle les accueillait Son Éminence le Métropolite-Archevêque Sotirios le jeudi 15 juin.

His Grace, Bishop Ilia
Sunday, June 18, 2017

His Grace, Bishop Ilia, presiding bishop of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, visited Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission in Toronto, on Sunday 18 June.

Bishop Ilia sits on the Episcopal Assemblies in both the United States and Canada, and he was in Toronto for the annual meeting of Canadian bishops hosted by His Eminence, Metropolian-Archbishop Sotirios on Thursday 15 June.


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