
Dimanche, Mai 27, 2018

Trinity Sunday, also called Pentecost (the 50th day after Easter), is one of the twelve major Orthodox holidays, celebrated every year with a lot of reverence and joy. On this day all Orthodox churches, are decorated with a lot of verdure. In our St Peter and St Paul Cathedral everything spoke of the feast: green festive vestments of the priests, spring flowers, green icon-lamps, boughs of birch at the royal doors, and freshly cut grass placed on the floor all created a merry and lighthearted ambiance.

Dimanche, Mai 13, 2018

La paroisse orthodoxe Saint-Grégoire-de-Nysse à Kingston, en Ontario, a eu la bénédiction de la visite de Son Éminence l'Archevêque Irénée qui a présidé la Divine Liturgie le dimanche 13 mai, à l'occasion du sixième dimanche de Pâques.

Le recteur de la paroisse, le père Andrew Anderson, ainsi que le diacre Ivan Symchyna et les sous-diacres Nikolas Liabotis et Mike Cherry étaient également au service.

Dimanche, Mai 6, 2018

L'Église orthodoxe de St George, récemment établie à Brantford, en Ontario, a accueilli Son Eminence l'Archevêque Irénée pour leur fête patronale le dimanche 6 mai (23 avril ancien style).

Des vidéos de la visite peuvent être vues sur la page Facebook de la paroisse.

Dimanche, Mai 13, 2018

The parish of St Gregory of Nyssa in Kingston, Ontario, was blessed by the visit of His Eminence Archbishop Irénée who presided at the Divine Liturgy on the Sixth Sunday of Pascha - the Sunday of the Blind Man - on Sunday 13 May.

Also serving were the parish's rector, Fr Andrew Anderson, along with Deacon Ivan Symchyna, and subdeacons Nikolas Liabotis and Mike Cherry.

Vladyka was presented with a bouquet of flowers by four young girls of the parish. 

Dimanche, Mai 6, 2018

The recently-established Orthodox Church of St George in Brantford, Ontario, welcomed His Eminence Archbishop Irénée for their patronal feast on Sunday 6 May (23 April Old Style).

Videos of the visit can be seen on the parish's Facebook page.

Dimanche, Mai 6, 2018

Distinguished Patristics scholar and Orthodox theologian Fr Andrew Louth visited Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission in Toronto, concelebrating and preaching at the Divine Liturgy for the Fifth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman.

Fr Andrew joined the parishioners of the mission along with a visiting youth group from St John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Oshawa, for a lunch after the service.

Samedi, Mai 5, 2018

Son Eminence, l'Archevêque Irénée a ordonné le Père Nicolas Svetlovsky à la Sainte Prêtrise à l'Église Saint-Benoît-de-Nursie à Montréal.

Concélébrant avec l'archevêque étaient le père Gregory Nimijean, le père Dragos Giulea, le père Justin Mitchell, le père Dimitri Choueiry, l'Archimandrite Marc, et l'Archidiacre Amvrosi.

Samedi, Mai 5, 2018

His Eminence, Archbishop Irénée ordained Fr Nicolas Svetlovsky to the holy priesthood at St Benoît de Nursie Church in Montréal.

Concelebrating with the archbishop were Fr Gregory Nimijean, Fr Dragos Giulea, Fr Justin Mitchell, Fr Dimitri Choueiry, Archimandrite Marc, and Archdeacon Amvrosi.

Axios, axios, axios! And many years to the newly-ordained Fr Nicolas.

Dimanche, Avril 22, 2018

Christ is risen! On the third Sunday of Pascha we celebrate the Myrrhbearing Women, those women who left everything and followed Jesus Christ, remaining ever-faithful to their Teacher.

This Sunday Saints Peter and Saint Paul Sobor in Montréal was filled with a very lighthearted and joyful ambiance: red festive vestments of the priests, plenty of flowers, bright sunlight making its way through the stained-glass windows, everything glorified the heroic deeds of the Myrrhbearing Women.

Dimanche, Avril 8, 2018

Photos from the celebration of Pascha at All Saints of North America Monastery in Dewdney, BC.


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