
Dimanche, Avril 16, 2017

The Archpastoral Message of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon marking the Great and Holy Pascha is now available.  The full text appears below and is available in PDF format

Dimanche, Avril 9, 2017

On Sunday 9 April, the Sign of the Theotokos Church was honored with the presence and the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Irénée to celebrate Palm Sunday.

With the feast and in a very festive atmosphere we celebrated Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Fr Gregory Nimijean was awarded to wear the palitza.

After the service around 100 parishioners shared an enjoyed together the traditional Palm Sunday Luncheon fundraising with a delicious Greek flavour. The food was generously donated and all the proceeds were given to the church.

Samedi, Avril 8, 2017

Photos from the visit of His Eminence Archbishop Irénée to St Peter and St Paul Sobor, Montréal for the Vigil on the Eve of Palm Sunday, the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

Samedi, Avril 8, 2017

Photos from the Vigil of Palm Sunday at Christ the Saviour Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Toronto.

Dimanche, Avril 9, 2017

Le dimanche 9 avril, la paroisse du Signe-de-la-Théotokos a eu l'honneur et la bénédiction de célébrer le Dimanche des Rameaux en compagnie de Son Éminence Mgr Irénée.

Dans une atmosphère très festive, nous avons célébré l'entrée triomphale de Jésus à Jérusalem. Le Père Nimijean a reçu le palitsa.

Après la célébration, environ 100 paroissiens ont partagé dans la joie le traditionnel dîner de levée de fonds du Dimanche des Rameaux, un dîner à la saveur grecque délicieuse. La nourriture provenait d'un donateur généreux et toutes les recettes ont été versées à la paroisse.

Samedi, Avril 8, 2017

Photos de la visite de Son Éminence Mgr Irénée à l'église Sobor Saints-Pierre-et-Paul de Montréal à l'occasion de la Vigile en la veille du Dimanche des Rameaux, fête de l'Entrée du Seigneur à Jérusalem.

Lundi, Avril 10, 2017

His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon presided at the opening Rite of Preparation of Holy Chrism at Saint Tikhon’s Monastery.  His Eminence, Archbishop Michael of New York and New Jersey, also was in attendance, as was His Beatitude, retired Metropolitan Herman.

Lundi, Avril 10, 2017

As widely reported, some three dozen faithful died and over 100 were injured in terrorist bombings at two Coptic churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday—April 9, 2017.

Over two dozen people were killed and over 70 were wounded by an explosion at a Coptic church in Tanta. Within hours, a second bombing at Alexandria’s Saint Mark Cathedral left at least 11 people dead and 30 injured. His Holiness, Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and All Africa of the Coptic Orthodox Church, was in the cathedral at the time of the explosion but was not injured.

Lundi, Avril 10, 2017

A prayer song composed by Matushka Roxanne is particularly appropriate at this time:

"I Lament for Thee, O Egypt, O Syria"



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