
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing away of Susan Jane Blomquist, who left us peacefully on the morning of November 7th with family and friends in attendance. Susan is survived by her three children, Stacy (Robbie), Christopher (Marie) and Michael (Shannon) and her grandchildren Jeffrey, Ashley, Taylor and Jordan.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Archdiocese of Canada clergy in Toronto joined together with other members of the Orthodox Clergy Association of the Greater Toronto Area at Panagia Greek Orthodox Church on 13 November to concelebrate the Feast of St John Chrysostom in the Divine Liturgy.

The liturgy was followed by a luncheon to honour the association's past president, Fr John Koulouras, who has been unable to serve in recent years following a severe stroke.

An icon of the Theotokos was presented to Fr John for his many years of service as president of the clergy association.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Three Talks. Three Speakers. One Hundred Reasons to Attend.

Giving Thanks Through Clenched Teeth
Hieromonk Philip  (Speranza)
Friday, November 23rd

Dealing with Family & Friends from Other Faiths (and None)
Father Bohdan Hladio
Friday, December 7th

Cultivating Faith & Love in Our Children
Father Geoffrey Korz
Friday, January 11th, 2019

Thursday, September 27, 2018

On the Feast of the Elevation of the Cross (old style), 27 September 2018, the Russian Orthodox Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Toronto celebrated its 103rd anniversary with a hierarchical Divine Liturgy.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

La cathédrale Christ the Savior de Toronto, avec la bénédiction de l'archevêque Irénée, a ouvert une mission orthodoxe à Barrie, en Ontario. Pour commencer, l’effort missionnaire consistera à servir un acathiste une fois par mois au centre de jeu de Kaleidoscoppe.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Toronto, with the blessing of Archbishop Irénée, has opened an Orthodox mission in Barrie, Ontario. Initially the missionary endeavour will consist of serving an Akathist once a month at the Kaleidoscoppe Play Centre.

Thursday, October 11, 2018 to Friday, October 12, 2018

La réunion d'automne du Conseil archidiocésain s'est tenue à l'église orthodoxe St Mark, à Yorkton, SK, les 11 et 12 octobre.

Un grand merci au père Rod et à Matushka Denise Luciuk d'avoir organisé les réunions du conseil et aux bénévoles de St Mark qui ont aidé à préparer les délicieux repas pour les membres de notre conseil. Merci également à Ian et Maria Bodnaryk pour le bon dîner offert chez eux le vendredi soir.

Thursday, October 11, 2018 to Friday, October 12, 2018

The Archdiocesan Council Fall meeting was held at St Mark's Orthodox Church, Yorkton, SK on 11 and 12 October.

Many thanks to Fr Rod and Matushka Denise Luciuk for hosting the council meetings and to the volunteers at St Mark's who helped prepare the delicious meals for our council members. Also special thanks to Ian and Maria Bodnaryk for the nice dinner reception at their home Friday evening.

Saturday, October 6, 2018 to Monday, October 8, 2018

En octobre de cette année, lors de la fin de semaine de l'Action de grâce, des paroissiens de l'église orthodoxe St Seraphim de Richmond Hill, en Ontario, se sont rendus en pèlerinage dans la ville de Rawdon, au Québec, où les reliques de leur saint patron Séraphim de Sarov reposent dans une église son nom.

Saturday, October 6, 2018 to Monday, October 8, 2018

In October of this year, on the Thanksgiving weekend, parishioners of St Seraphim Orthodox Church in Richmond Hill, Ontario, made a pilgrimage to the town of Rawdon, Québec, where the relics of their heavenly patron Seraphim of Sarov repose in a church that bears his name.

The pilgrims were led by Father Nikolai Boldyrev, whose life is closely related to Rawdon. They also visited Archbishop Irénée, who, together with the archdiocesan staff, gave them a warm welcome.


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